(P) Dear Senator McCaskill,
I am disappointed that after such an inspiring campaign in which you unseated a heavily supported Republican incumbant, you are not yet willing to show the courage and leadership to declare clearly and publicly the need to change course in Iraq.
I understand that there are a variety of influences you face and that you may not feel the urgency of this issue. But a majority of your constituents have felt the urgency for some time, and now we have a vote on the Feingold-Reid Amendment with a majority of your Democratic colleagues recognizing publicly the urgency of this issue.
At some point, as more and more time passes, you will come around and vote for legislation to end the disaster in Iraq. I urge you to come to this realization and act on it publicly sooner rather than later. If you will not lead on this most important issue, Missourians will be forced to find new leaders. Do not be afraid to be bold.
Nathaniel Dempsey
St. Louis, MO
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