
what have you done for veterans today?

I slept in!

But seriously, unlike my work, most people's day job doesn't directly affect veterans. So today is a good day to think about how we honor them, both remembering those who have passed and serving those still alive. It is really disturbing the myriad of ways our government turns its back on the personnel who defend our country once they're discharged.

It's also the perfect time to remember that supporting the people who comprise the armed forces and opposing pursuits of civilian leaders to enter into unnecessary military conflicts are not mutually exclusive. Rather, the former requires the latter.


SavRed said...

Nate--What unnecessary military conflicts are you referring to?

Just wondering.


Nathaniel said...

I actually wasn't referring to a specific instance; that was an intentionally vague comment. I think it's important to emphasize that the general statement "if a President says we should go to war, then we should support that effort..." isn't necessarily true. After all, we put Americans in harms way in a lot of places.