

I wanted to link to John's statement on his betrayal of Elizabeth back in 2006. It's not particularly lengthy or Earth shattering. It's John being John. You can pretty much read it however you want. What happened is pretty straightforward. He fucked somebody without the approval of his wife (er, uh, had a 'liaison with another woman').

I personally don't think the details are very important. That's between he and Elizabeth. Cheating is both rampant and unacceptable. Dealing with that contradiction is for a different post.

As someone who doesn't know the Edwards family personally, what I have found most interesting is how intense the scrutiny has been by others who also don't know the family. In times like this, I very much urge inner reflection on the fact that we are all flawed, we all sin. We'll never know the sincerity of famous people's requests for forgiveness.

But we can know the sincerity of our own requests. Who do we need to apologize to? Who do we need forgiveness from?

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