
annoyed baseball fan

(R) When ranting about sports coverage, it's hard to not address the wider problems we have with corporate control of the media and lack of competition and whatnot, not to mention disparities in how baseball distributes TV revenue. But, honestly, this is a very targeted complaint. There are lots of other opportunities to complain.

You've got a freakin' $100 million dollar pitcher starting his first major league game, and you can't watch the game in the state it's being played on a cable package that costs hundreds of dollars a year, not to mention funding from commercial breaks. It's absolutely ridiculous. What's on ESPN, ESPN2, and FSN? Reruns. Lovely. Don't even ask about the 40 other channels showing crap at 2 in the afternoon on a Thursday.

Oh, but of course, you can watch the White Sox on WGN. Whoopdeedoo.

And who would have thought the Royals and Cards would have started the season 1-5? Bleh.

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