
ding ding ding

It has occurred to me that it actually works out pretty well that turning 24 is pretty much a non-event birthday for me because both my brother and sister have big birthdays this spring. I was feeling a little old this evening realizing not so much my age but that my younger brother will be in his twenties in a few hours. Ouch.

And my little sister will get her driver's license next month. Ouch.

Well, she'll be eligible; maybe she'll fail or won't want to drive or something for a while. Yeah, that's it.


Anonymous said...

Cheer up. I'm just a few hours into the other side and I don't notice any big changes. I mean, sure the feds came by, confiscated my computer games, magic the gathering cards, movies, and The Wall, but I still have some literature. They gave me a nice pamphlet: "Being Old and You: Aging Quickly and Bugging Your Olders"

Sorry I missed your b-day, I've been busy. Enjoy!

-your younger bro

Anonymous said...

Make that a few minutes.