
time to meet the neighbors

This is for all you organizer types that are always looking for new ice breakers to use with people. The necessary ingrediants are four parked cars, a beautiful spring night, and a big tree branch. Then, have the branch magically fall over right on top of the cars. Bingo! Everybody is out getting to know each other. That and wondering how on Earth the tree fell apart. Seriously, we had thunderstorms with lightning and everything all weekend, and the tree took it like a champ. But last night it apparently lost its will to live. Fortunately, nothing was seriously damaged and nobody was hurt. But in three years living here I can't say I've ever been hanging out on the street at 11 o'clock at night in my pajama pants waiting on the forestry dude to show up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iiiiiiits....NAAAAATTTEE! HOOHA! and he has a ... BLOOOOOGGGGG!!!!

Welcome to the corporate life indeed...

