
criminal me

It really is amazing how much Big Brother is actually happening, and not just the paranoid hypothetical worries of a crazy man. I am in the FBI's fingerprint database because I sat for the LSAT. Yes, apparently a test requires fingerprinting that will follow me in perpetuity.

I am also in the database because I have my Missouri producers and variable contracts licenses (insurance and securities stuff). That required another fingerprinting session. I'm not talking dip your thumb and go. I mean the full ten fingered monty. An insurance agent may rob you blind, but at least he can't rob the bank.

Apparently, Missouri just passed a law that all school employees have to have a background check that also includes the aforementioned fingerprinting fun. Nevermind the fact that I have been working at Clayton since 2002 (I apparently only now became a possible child molestor, drug dealer, or otherwise man with an evil past who would therefore be more likely to do evil things in the future). Nevermind the fact that I have been working for some public school district in Missouri since 1998. Nevermind the fact that I currently do financial work with a nonprofit agency that doesn't allow felons to hold positions such as mine that deal with confidential information. And nevermind that I have a copy of the police records check I had to pay for in order to get the job there.

Nope, none of that matters. Have to do it again. God bless our government.

Oh, and this private company called Identix that has an exclusive contract with the Missouri State Highway Patrol gets a sweet $50.95 for every sucker like me. What a great use of our tax dollars and paychecks, too.

--iMac update: It left Anchorage this afternoon!

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