
hatred is not too strong a word

I really hate taking drugs. A lot. The doctors didn't seem to care, though. I have one prescription antibiotic ear drop and one prescription antibiotic pill. 500mg, no less. And the actual taking the drugs is only half the issue. There are all kinds of restrictions for several hours around taking the pills. My favorite side effect, given that it's for an ear infection, is it might cause dizziness. Hmm, isn't the point to make the ear better...

At any rate, some free advice. Don't get a sunburn, an ear infection, and a sore throat at the same time. Not fun.

And on the subject of free advice, make sure your affairs are in order if something should happen to you. We had a relatively young staff member get sick and pass away at work, and among other fun issues, a relative was unhappy he got taken off her life insurance. Telling people what medical care you want and how your assets should be divided up is something you should do now. Don't procrastinate, justifying it with once you're finally married or get a house or have a kid or a grandkid or retire or turn 100.

Actually, I lied. That last paragraph will cost you $150. You can mail me a check at your first convenience.

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