
a little word fun

So at work today somebody left a UHaul truck we rented for moving stuff out in the parking lot. This person was supposed to put it away, but didn't, so my boss and I did. Well, I wrote a higher up boss the following sentence:

Sarah and I backed the truck into the garage.


I quickly changed that to:

Sarah and I backed the truck inside the garage.

Also, check out the results to this quiz I took. I'm such a flake.


SavRed said...

Nate--How do you like having a woman boss?

Just curious.


Nathaniel said...

Eh, it's more the boss part that's annoying :)

At any rate, if you want to know more, I'm of the mind that gender really shouldn't matter. At all. That makes me radical in some senses, but pretty mainstream in others. I think the men who have a problem with women doing things because they're women are out of line, but the womyn who seem to think the world is out to screw them and men really should just contemplate how evil they are are a little off their rocker.

There is some value in same sex activities (sports, bible study, and so forth), but at the end of the day, I think the best way to deal with issues of oppression and such is to simply ignore gender as a relevant characteristic, whether that is job status, rooming arrangements, or who pays for things in a relationship. Gender is useful for making broad statements (for example, women in the US live longer than men), but at the same time that is rather arbitrary and completely useless for specific comparisons.

I think differences in views about gender are one of the biggest differences between younger people and older generations. As a group, I think people my age have done a really good job of making ourselves blind to the myriad of irrelevant differences between men and women. (After all, equality isn't sameness.)

SavRed said...

Nate--When you get a minute, take a look at my blog and give me your feedback on Feminized Professions.

I'm finding huge difference between the sexes in how they should be taught and how they are taught depending on who is teaching.
